Crafting is a funtime or leisure time activity which can be just for relaxation or a means of earning income. It tells about our creativity as well as improves the hand -eye coordination which is a must in any activity. The major investments are patience and time 🙂 . There are so many varieties of crafts, both simple and skilled.
When I was at school we had an art and craft period, and we were taught to paint and stitch, though we did not have any prescribed texts. These days kids are provided with very good guidance books but they seem very uninclined to do any. The digital revolution has caught the fancy of the kids and they are happy in their virtual world. My younger son who used to enjoy doing origami with me till grade 4, now thinks its boring and a waste of time. Nevertheless I continue to do.
In my view, crafting is a must for homemakers to unwind. It can be anything from simple paper crafts, to DIY’s out of waste. Do spend some time when ever possible to craft something. It gives such a sense of satisfaction. You can even make it a family activity if kids are willing to participate.
For me crafting is a stress buster. I love trying out anything in ambit of crafting. Whenever I got stressed out, I used to just sit up with my crochet hook and keep knitting till I felt better. Whether something useful came out of it or not, I used to feel a great sense of relief.
Paper crafts facinate me. I have also tried my hands at crocheting , embroidery, fruit carving to a lesser extent. Sewing is my new found passion. So in this page I shall post details and how to’s of simple crafts which will improve your home decor, just like that. Finished projects gives you a sense of pleasure and happiness like never before. Lets get started…
Simple Paper crafts
There are simply lots of crafts using paper the popular ones being quilling and origami. Though both these crafts require lots of patience, the end result is always satisfying. But there are also simple paper crafts involving just cutting and gluing.
With just a bit of imagination and creativity, you can do wonders with very minimum investment. Follow me along as I guide you with step by step pictures on how to go about.
Get to itCrocheting
Crocheting is a craft that uses a crochet hook and yarn to create fabric or art work. Crochet hooks come in various sizes and crocheting is generally done by hand. There are lots of crochet stitches to choose from. I shall be doing an elaborate post on crocheting very soon
………Coming Soon
Best out of Waste
This is a DIY post , for creating crafts out of wastes like tissue paper roll, newspaper and cardboard. Tissue paper roll crafts are the easiest of all. By rolls I mean the tube like structure , around which tissue paper is generally rolled up. Though most people use the toilet rolls, I use the kitchen rolls. So start collecting them, by the time I come up with my post 🙂 .
………Coming Soon
U r rocking hems
Thank you radha.