Hey there,
A big welcome to you, at hemamagesh.com. This is about me, Hema Magesh, the creator of this space. I am a simple, straightforward and down-to-earth person finding happiness in everything around me.
“A little bit of passion in all that you do is what sets you apart from the rest. “
This has been the guiding force in my life.
I live in Qatar with my hubby and two boys ever since I quit my job 11 years back. Becoming a full-time homemaker is a daunting task. Because though you think you have lots of time at your disposal, you still keep running looking for time.
Kids & housekeeping is a never-ending 24×7 job. You are always busy trying to satisfy everyone in the family.
But folks, it hits you hard as after all the efforts that you put in, you still can’t satisfy every single person. That’s when I realized that to keep going, I needed to do something for myself. Something which will give me happiness & satisfaction.
So I delved deep into myself and dug out my passions which hitherto I hadn’t even the time to look up. I started judiciously spending time on these absolute necessities for my soul. The internet came to my rescue and I learnt about a lot of unheard and unknown things.
This site is an attempt to put together all that I came across during this period from cooking, baking, crafting, gardening and healthy living. I hope to make it a one-stop for all homemakers in the long run.
All my content has been created after lots of relentless searches, lookups and verifications from knowledgeable sources. Apart from recipes, and DIYs, I have tried in earnest to provide solutions to the questions that we come across in our day-to-day life so that the layman becomes aware of the issues to be taken care of.
Now when I say homemaker and all, you guys should not imagine that my house is always spic and span and clean to the T. Though I wish to be like that, especially for dear hubby’s sake, I just couldn’t despite my hard efforts.
My kitchen is always in a mess during the morning hours, when I work with a thousand hands, preparing breakfast and lunch for kids and hubby. Planning was not for me, as I figured out that I was destined to keep running 😆 .
Some silly thing always happened, like oil getting spilt, the potato being undercooked, the gas getting over in the middle of my cooking and the sort, which ate away all those precious planned seconds and minutes, leaving me to run around as usual.
These days I am enjoying it and always feel proud of myself that I pulled it off in my kitchen battlefield.
My alarm usually buzzes off 15mts before time, early morning that is at 4.30 am. These 15mts I utilize to whiz plan what I can do with the ingredients available, while I do simple eye and tummy exercises. ( But most of the time, the ‘lazy me’ keeps lying down, exercising in my imagination 😀 ).
Normally I bathe first thing in the morning. Not because I am somebody engrossed in traditional values, but because after that I become very lazy to bathe 🙂 .
But I do believe that there is a supreme power beyond human comprehension. In fact, I spend quite some time praying as that gives me peace.
I have been habituated into praying before doing anything, by Mom. So it comes naturally to me to rotate a handful of rice 3 times around the vessel before cooking, as a way of thanking God for the food we have been provided.
We had a tradition of applying turmeric and kumkum on all new clothes before wearing them. And another one of keeping all important purchase bills, documents etc at God’s altar, the first time when we bring it home, which we follow even today.
Following mom, I used to even clean up the stove and countertop and put a small kolam over it before beginning the process of cooking. Though somewhere down the lane I’d stopped doing that.
I do things differently and have a lot of unconventional ways of going about everything. I always follow my gut feel in all that I do. Most of the time it works, but at times it flops and all those failures have been learning lessons for me.
Talk about this site…
It’s my dream come true and this is totally from scratch. Computer was not my chosen subject at school, and the only thing I knew was a bit of MS Office which I got to learn at work.
I was not the one to be satisfied with website builders and I wasn’t willing to make investments right at the start. So then the only option was to learn.
At every single point, I had doubts, and google was my online teacher. Patience was the god-given in-thing I had in abundance when it came to learning (Though not with kids!!!). I could spend hours looking up a satisfactory solution for a single query. ‘
A special thanks here to Shay Howe, whose HTML and CSS lessons taught me everything I needed to know and gave me the confidence to meddle with the stylesheet of my theme 🙂 .
Well, that explains the huge amount of time I have taken to make my site live, at the end of June’18, though I launched during the end of Nov’17. I am still learning, trying to improve and make things better. Discrepancies, imperfections…please put up 🙂 .
For the people who do not know where to start, you just need to have the intention to learn, the search engines will provide you with everything.
As for photography, I am something in between a noob and a pro. I learnt quite a bit about photography through free online courses. But because of my unplanned projects, I always end up clicking under poor light.
Once my site is up and running, you will see a great change in my photography skills and am planning to update shoddy images asap. Till then please bear with me. Love and hugs here to my son, Sajit who is immensely skilled in photography, and provides lovely images to my site every now and then.
A big “Hi” to my fellow bloggers. I understand that creating a site is nothing but tons of hard-work, and so I have given credit wherever necessary with a link back.
You may use my content, but please do not copy images and contents as is, and see to it that you give credit explicitly and link back to my site.
I wish to thank my sweet mom, Saraswathy who continues to inspire me in everything that I do. I also thank my mother-in-law Premalatha, from whom I learnt a lot of quick fixes in my cooking.
Am thankful to my dear husband Magesh, my kids Sajit & Pramod, my siblings Karthika & Vinodh and my friends who encouraged me to get into blogging.
In fact, my kids wanted an online recipe site with all their favourite recipes which they can try themselves when they are away from me.
Thanks are also due to my friends Jwala, Geetha, Neethu, and my cousin Rekha who are my resource people as they constantly trigger new ideas in me. Am thankful to my friend Sindhu who was always available to double-check, look up and verify anything that I requested from her.
Also thanks to my nieces Akshara, Srideepa and Archita who helped me out by sending me pictures of anything Indian that I required from here. Thank you to Pixabay for providing high-quality images for starters like me. And finally, thank you to all the bloggers out there who have inspired me to take this up.
I am also grateful to my hosting provider, A2 Hosting. Their support crew, was always there on their toes whenever I needed help.
So that’s about me. I invite you guys to join me on this journey at Hemamagesh.com, & hope you will have something to take from here. 🙂
Comments and constructive suggestions are most welcome…
Happy surfing!!!!
Congratulations and Welcome to the blog world Hema . Keep posting and shall be following ur posts regularly . Please post few of the travelogues too that could be helpful for people like us .
Thank you amudha. Planning to dedicate a page for travelogues too, in the near future.